The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition 

Theses submitted in 2007

An Infrastructure for Video-Augmented Environments
Daniel Parnham, University of York (February 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Statistical Methods For Facial Shape-from-shading and Recognition
William A. P. Smith, University of York (February 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Bayesian analysis of lidar signals using reversible jump Markov chain Monte Carlo algorithms
Sergio Hernandez-Marin, Heriot Watt University (March 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Heat Kernel Analysis on Graphs
Xiao Bai, University of York (May 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

High Accuracy Metrology Using Low-Resolution Cameras
David Claus, Oxford University (July 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Surface Shape and Reflectance Analysis Using Polarisation
Gary Atkinson, University of York (July 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Non-Rigid Motion Behaviour Learning: A Spectral and Graphical Approach
Hongfang Wang, University of York (September 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract

Minimizing Dynamic and Higher Order Energy Functions using Graph Cuts
Pushmeet Kohli, Oxford Brookes University (November 2007)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract