BMVC2000 | ![]() |
The Eleventh British Machine Vision Conference | ||
University of Bristol, 11-14 September 2000 |
Table of Contents
Invited Paper I - Prof. Eric Grimson (AI Lab, MIT, US)
Computer Vision Methods for Image Guided Surgery
E Grimson, M Leventon, O Faugeras, and W Wells
Session I - Colour Analysis
Colour Invariance at a Pixel
G Finlayson, S Hordley,
J Marchant and C Onyango, University Of East Anglia, UK
A Novel Dynamic Region Segmentation Method Based on Quantative
Colour Space Selection
Y Fang and T Tan, Chinese Academy of Sciences,
P.R. China
Session II - Face and Gesture Recognition
Building Temporal Models for Gesture Recognition
R Bowden and M Sarhadi, Brunel University, UK
On Matching Scores for LDA-based Face Verification
J Kittler, Y Li and J Matas, University of Surrey, UK
Coupled-View Active Appearance Models
T Cootes, G
Wheeler, K Walker and C Taylor, University of Manchester, UK
Compensating for Ensemble-Specificity Effects when Building
Facial Models
N Costen, T Cootes and C Taylor, University of Manchester,
Efficient Head Pose Estimation with Gabor Wavelet Networks
V Krüger and G Sommer, Christian-Albrechts University, Germany
Session III - Texture Analysis
Shape from Texture: Homogeneity Revisited
A Criminisi
and A Zisserman, University of Oxford, UK
Estimating the Structure of Textured Surfaces Using Local
Affine Flow
A Calway, University of Bristol, UK
Detecting Multiple Texture Planes using Local Spectral
E Ribeiro and E Hancock, University of York, UK
Probabilistic PCA and ICA Subspace Mixture Models for
Image Segmentation
D de Ridder, J Kittler and R Duin, Delft University
of Technology, The Netherlands
Poster Session I
A New Method for Computing Optical Flow
W Clocksin,
University of Cambridge, UK
Gaze Determination via Images of Irises
J-G Wang
and E Sung, Nanyang Technological University, Singapore
Pose Invariant Face Recognition by Face Synthesis
M Lee and S Ranganath, National University of Singapore, Singapore
Statistical Properties of the Hybrid Radon-Fourier Technique
V Leavers, University of Manchester, UK
Motion Segmentation in Long Image Sequences
S Mills
and K Novins, University of Otago, New Zealand
Modelling and Tracking Articulated Motion from Multiple
Camera Views
M Ringer and J Lasenby, University of Cambridge, UK
Estimating Vision Parameters given Data with Covariances
W Chojnacki, M Brooks, A van den Hengel and D Gawley, University of Adelaide,
Classification of Texture Images using Multi-scale Statistical
Estimators of Fractal Parameters
S Deguy, C Debain, and A Benassi, IUT, France
Parameterised Moving Shape Extraction
M Grant, M
Nixon and P Lewis, University of Southampton, UK
Fast Computation of a Boundary Preserving Estimate
of Optical Flow
A Statistical Geometric Framework for Reconstruction of
Scene Models
A Manessis, A Hilton, P McLauchlan and P Palmer, University
of Surrey, UK
Robust Facial Feature Tracking
F Bourel, C Chibelushi
and A Low, Staffordshire University, UK
Recognising the Dynamics of Faces across Multiple Views
Y Li, S Gong and H Liddell, Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK
Resolving Visual Uncertainty and Occlusion through Probabilistic
J Sherrah and S Gong, Queen Mary & Westfield College,
The Cross Ratio: A Revisit to its Probability Density
D Huynh, Murdoch University, Australia
Automatic Selection of Optimal Views in Multi-view Object
F Mokhtarian and S Abbasi, University of Surrey, UK
A Statistical Consistency Check for the Space Carving
A Broadhurst and R Cipolla, University of Cambridge, UK
Colour Constancy from Hyper-Spectral Data
T Gevers, H Stokman and J van de Weijer, University of Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Extraction of Motion Data from Image Sequences to Assist
D Gibson, N Campbell, C Dalton and B Thomas, University
of Bristol, UK
Face Recognition using the Moving Window Classifier
M Hoque and M Fairhurst, University of Kent, UK
Integrated Segmentation and Depth Ordering
D Tweed
and A Calway, University of Bristol, UK
Session IV - Motion, Tracking, and Sequence Analysis
Detecting Lameness in Livestock using Resampling Condensation
and Multi-stream Cyclic Hidden Markov Models
D Magee and R Boyle,
University of Leeds, UK
Segmentation of Multiple Motions by Edge Tracking between
Two Frames
P Smith, T Drummond and R Cipolla, University of Cambridge,
A Hierarchical Model of Dynamics for Tracking People with
a Single Video Camera
I Karaulova, P Hall and A Marshall, University
of Cardiff, UK
Video Shot Cut Detection using Adaptive Thresholding
Y Yusoff, W Christmas and J Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Invited Paper II - Prof. Luc van Gool (ESAT, Katholieke Universiteit Leuven, Belgium)
Wide Baseline Stereo Matching based on Local, Affinely Invariant Regions
T Tuytelaars and L van Gool
Session V - Applications I
Automatic 3D Modelling of Architecture
A Dick, P
Torr and R Cipolla, University of Cambridge, UK
A New Approach for Vanishing Point Detection in Architectural
C Rother, KTH, Sweden
Poster Session II
Inspection of Surface Strain in Materials using Optical
K Chivers and W Clocksin, University of Cambridge, UK
Morphological Change Detection Algorithms for Surveillance
E Stringa, Institute for Systems, Informatics and Safety, Italy
Straight Lines and Circles in the Log-Polar Image
D Young, University of Sussex, UK
A Highly Robust Regressor and its Application in Computer
E Izquierdo, Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK
Free-Form 3-D Object Recognition at Multiple Scales
F Mokhtarian, N Khalili and P Yuen, University of Surrey, UK
Using the CSM Correspondence Calculation Algorithm to
Quantify Differences between Surfaces
E Guest, E Berry and D Morris,
Leeds General Infirmary, UK
3D Imaging of Transparent Objects
A Wallace, P Csakany, G Buller and A Walker, Heriot-Watt University, UK
Iterative Computation of 3D Plane Parameters
H Baltzakis
and P Trahanias, Foundation for Research and Technology, Greece
Rotation Invariant Classification of 3D Surface Textures
using Photometric Stereo and Surface Magnitude Spectra
M Chantler
and J Wu, Heriot-Watt University, UK
A New Easy Camera Calibration Technique Based on Circular
X Meng, H Li and Z Hu, Chinese Academy of Sciences, P.R.China
Data and Decision Level Fusion of Temporal Information
for Automatic Target Recognition
K Messer and J Kittler, University
of Surrey, UK
Dual Representations for Vision-Based 3D Reconstruction
E Grossmann and J Victor, IST, Portugal
Quantifying Ambiguities in Inferring Vector-Based 3D Models
E-J Ong and S Gong, Queen Mary & Westfield College, UK
An Interactive System for Constraint-Based Modelling
D Robertson, R Cipolla, University of Cambridge, UK
Error Propogation from Camera Motion to Epipolar Constraint
X Shen, P Palmer, P McLauchlan and A Hilton, University of Surrey, UK
A Comparative Study on Disparity Analysis Based on Convergent
and Rectified Views
O Schreer, N Brandenburg and P Kauff, Heinrich-Hertz-Institut
für Nachrichtentechnik Berlin GmbH, Germany
Tracking Multiple People Under Occlusion Using Multiple
T-H Chang, S Gong and E-J Ong, Queen Mary & Westfield
College, UK
On Resolving Ambiguities in Arbitrary-Shape extraction
by the HT
E Montiel, A Aguado and M Nixon, University of Surrey, UK
Grouping Line-segments using Eigenclustering
Robles Kelly and E Hancock, University of York, UK
Particular Forms of Homography Matrices
D Lingrand,
INRIA, France
Object Recognition using the Invariant Pixel-Set Signature
J Matas, J Burianek and J Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Session VI - Multi-View Techniques
Image Mosaicing using Sequential Bundle Adjustments
P McLauchlan and A Jaenicke, University of Surrey, UK
Robust Point Correspondence by Concave Minimization
J Maciel and J Costeira, Instituto de Sistemas e Robotica,
Zoom-lens Camera Calibration From Noisy Data With Outliers
M Ahmed and A Farag, University of Louisville, USA
An Evaluation of the Performance of RANSAC Algorithms
for Stereo Camera Calibrarion
A Lacey, N Pinitkarn and N Thacker,
University of Manchester, UK
3D Model Acquisition by Tracking 2D Wireframes
Brown, T Drummond and R Cipolla, University of Cambridge, UK
Session VII - Applications II
Automatic Analysis of Fluorescence In-Situ Hybridisation
W Clocksin and B Lerner, University of Cambridge, UK
Finding Text Regions using Localised Statistical Measures
P Clark and M Mirmehdi, University of Bristol, UK
Evolving Automatic Target Detection Algorithms by Logically
Combining Decision Spaces
K Benson, DERA, UK
Focus based Feature Extraction for Pallets Recognition
R Cucchiara, M Piccardi and A Prati, Universitá di Modena, Italy
A Multiscale Method for the Reassembly of Fragmented Objects
H Leitao and J Stolfi, UNICAMP, Brazil
An EM / E-MRF Strategy for Underwater Navigation
R Stolkin, M Hodgetts and A Greig, Sira Limited, UK
Session VIII - Object Recognition
Parallel Chains, Delayed Rejection and Reversible Jump
MCMC for Object Recognition
M Harkness and P Green, University of
Bristol, UK
Combining Local Recognition Methods for Better Recognition
B Lamiroy, S Picard and P Gros, INRIA, France
Region-Based Object Recognition: Pruning Multiple Representations
and Hypotheses
A Ahmadyfard and J Kittler, University of Surrey, UK
Interactive Visual Dialog
T Arbel and F Ferrie, McGill
University, Canada
Recognizing Objects From Curvilinear Motion
T Arbel,
F Ferrie and M Mitran, McGill University, Canada
Session IX - Segmentation Techniques
A Concentration-Based Adaptive Approach to Region Merging
of Optimal Time and Space Complexities
C Fiorio and R Nock, LIRMM,
Invariant Characterization of the Hough Transform for
Pose Estimation of Arbitrary Shapes
A Aguado, E Montiel and M Nixon,
University of Surrey, UK
Non-Parametric Image Subtraction using Grey Level Scattergrams
P Bromiley, N Thacker and P Courtney, University of Manchester, UK
Transforming Pixel Signatures into an Improved Metric
A Holmes and C Taylor, University of Manchester, UK
Local Smoothness in terms of Variance: the Adaptive Gaussian
G Gomez, ITESM, Mexico