Proceedings of the

4th UK Computer Vision Student Workshop (BMVW)

Editor: Teofilo de Campos
ISBN: 1-901725-47-2


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Sponsor: PASCAL2 network of excellence


Workshop Foreword

The BMVC Student Workshop takes place a day after the main BMVC conference. It has become a regular feature of BMVC which gives students in computer vision an opportunity to network and start collaborations at an early stage in their research career.

Following the format of previous year, we opened up a call for full length papers in the same format as that of the main conference. Each paper was reviewed by four reviewers who had only one week to do their work, but each of them reviewed only up to two papers. Thanks to this light load, they did a very good job and provided very detailed feedback for all papers received. Rather than having the usual negative bias, reviewers focussed their feedback on giving advice to improve the papers and for future directions of the research presented. Not all submissions have been accepted, but we are confident that the feedback received will be useful for all the authors.

As a result of the peer-reviewing process, we accepted four papers for oral presentations and two for poster presentations. Additionally, we invited four students who are presenting posters at the BMVC main conference to present their work orally at this workshop. These papers were selected based on the scores that they received from the peer reviewers of the main conference.

Thanks to generous sponsorship from the PASCAL2 network of excellence, this year we were able to invite two keynote speakers who are leaders in their fields: Andrew Davison and Ariadna Quattoni. This sponsorship also enabled us to provide two bursaries for students (in addition to the 10 bursaries provided by the BMVA).

Further to the two keynotes, this year we also introduced a call for impromptu contributions to be presented as posters. The goal of this call was to make this workshop more inclusive and less like a mini-conference. Students were invited to present ongoing research and preliminary results. Posters about recently published work were also welcome. The posters selected from this call are not listed in the programme below to protect authors who are planning to submit their work to a prestigious conference or journal in the near future.

All the presenters in this workshop (apart from the keynote speakers) are students who are enrolled at British institutions. While this restriction can be slightly controversial, we find that this is a relevant policy, because the BMVC main conference is very competitive internationally, leaving students in the beginning of their research career with little opportunity to present their work to a large public.

I would like to thank the BMVC general chairs Krystian Mikolajczyk, John Collomosse and Richard Bowden, for giving me the opportunity to organise this workshop and for providing valuable advice. Many thanks to Helen Cooper and John Illingworth for their support with administrative matters.

Teofilo de Campos
Workshop chair


Mark Barnard University of Surrey
Barbara Caputo IDIAP Research Institute
Alessio Del Bue Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Carl Henrik Ek KTH Stockholm
Nazli FarajiDavar University of Surrey
Albert Gordo Universidad Autonoma de Barcelona
Ashish Gupta University of Surrey
Rui Hu University of Surrey
Olaf Kahler University of Oxford
Jan Knopp KU Leuven
Piotr Koniusz University of Surrey
Luca Marchesotti Xerox Research Centre Europe
Alexander Mansfield ETH Zurich
Julian McAuley University of Stanford
Mukta Prasad ETH Zurich
Erik Rodner Friedrich Schiller University of Jena
Jose Rodriguez-Serrano Xerox Research Centre Europe
Violet Snell University of Surrey
Eric Sommerlade University of Oxford
Phil Tresadern University of Manchester
Ruixuan Wang University of Dundee
Fei Yan University of Surrey
Huiyu Zhou Queen's University Belfast


Workshop Programme and Papers


Friday - 7th September 2012

9:00 Keynote 1
Ariadna Quattoni  -  Latent Variable Models for Content-Based Image Retrieval and Structure Prediction
10:00 Session 1
10:40 Poster session and coffee break

Contributed papers Impromptu posters
  • Texture and shape in fluorescence pattern identification for auto-immune disease diagnosis
    Violet Snell (University of Surrey), Wiliam Christmas, Josef Kittler
  • Domain adaptation in the context of sport video action recognition
    Nazli FarajiDavar (University of Surrey), Teo de Campos, David Windridge, Josef Kittler, William Christmas
  • Michael Taylor (University of Manchester)
  • Simon Fothergill (University of Cambridge)
  • Suraya Mohammad (University of Manchester), Tim Morris, Neil Thacker
  • Dalia Coppi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia / University of Surrey), Simone Calderara, Rita Cucchiara
  • Towards Fusion Local Features to Enhance Content-Based Image Retrieval
    Hanan Al-Jubouri (University of Buckingham), Harin Sellahewa, Hongbo Du
  • Rui Hu (University of Surrey), John Collomosse
  • Cemre Zor (University of Surrey), Terry Windeatt
11:20 Session 2
12:40 Poster session and lunch
14:00 Keynote 2
Andrew Davison  -  Monocular SLAM and Real-Time Scene Perception
15:00 Session 3
15:40 Closing remarks

Papers marked by (invited talk) have been accepted as posters at the BMVC main conference and the authors have been invited to present them orally in this workshop.