Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2017
Editors: T.K. Kim, S. Zafeiriou, G. Brostow, K. Mikolajczyk
BMVA Press, September 2017, ISBN 1-901725-60-X
Tutorials 1
Probabilistic and Deep Models for 3D Reconstruction
Andreas Geiger (Max Planck Institute)
Intro to Reinforcement Learning
Shimon Whiteson (University of Oxford)
Tutorials 2
Deep Learning for 3D Localization
Vincent Lepetit (University of Bordeaux)
Reconstruction of Dynamic Scenes from Monocular Video
Lourdes Agapito (University College London)
Spotlights 1
The Devil is in the Decoder
Zbigniew Wojna, Jasper Uijlings, Sergio Guadarrama, Nathan Silberman, Liang-Chieh Chen, Alireza Fathi and Vittorio Ferrari
Orals 1 - Pose Estimation
Keynote 1
Posters 1
Orals 2 - Scene Understanding
Orals 3 - Action Recognition
Spotlights 2
Orals 4 - Face Analysis
Keynote 2
Posters 2
Orals 5 - Matching
Orals 6 - Segmentation
Orals 7 - Enhancement