Moving Object Segmentation in Jittery Videos by Stabilizing Trajectories Modeled in Kendall's Shape Space
Geethu Jacob and Sukhendu Das
Moving Object Segmentation is a challenging task for jittery/wobbly videos. For jittery videos, the non-smooth camera motion makes discrimination between foreground
objects and background layers hard to solve. While most recent works for moving video
object segmentation fail in this scenario, our method generates an accurate segmentation
of a single moving object. The proposed method performs a sparse segmentation, where
frame-wise labels are assigned only to trajectory coordinates, followed by the pixel-wise
labeling of frames. The sparse segmentation involving stabilization and clustering of
trajectories in a 3-stage iterative process. At the 1st stage, the trajectories are clustered
using pairwise Procrustes distance as a cue for creating an affinity matrix. The 2nd
stage performs a block-wise Procrustes analysis of the trajectories and estimates Frechet
means (in Kendall’s shape space) of the clusters. The Frechet means represent the average trajectories of the motion clusters. An optimization function has been formulated
to stabilize the Frechet means, yielding stabilized trajectories at the 3rd stage. The accuracy of the motion clusters are iteratively refined, producing distinct groups of stabilized
trajectories. Next, the labels obtained from the sparse segmentation are propagated for
pixel-wise labeling of the frames, using a GraphCut based energy formulation. Use of
Procrustes analysis and energy minimization in Kendall’s shape space for moving object
segmentation in jittery videos, is the novelty of this work. Second contribution comes
from experiments performed on a dataset formed of 20 real-world natural jittery videos,
with manually annotated ground truth. Experiments are done with controlled levels of artificial jitter on videos of SegTrack2 dataset.
Paper (PDF)
Geethu Jacob and Sukhendu Das. Moving Object Segmentation in Jittery Videos by Stabilizing Trajectories Modeled in Kendall's Shape Space. In T.K. Kim, S. Zafeiriou, G. Brostow and K. Mikolajczyk, editors, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), pages 49.1-49.13. BMVA Press, September 2017.
title={Moving Object Segmentation in Jittery Videos by Stabilizing Trajectories Modeled in Kendall's Shape Space},
author={Geethu Jacob and Sukhendu Das},
booktitle={Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
publisher={BMVA Press},
editor={Tae-Kyun Kim, Stefanos Zafeiriou, Gabriel Brostow and Krystian Mikolajczyk},