Theses submitted in 2010
Machine Learning of Projected 3D Shape
S N Coupe, University of Manchester (February 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Image Simulation Framework for Digital Mammography Systems
Mary Yip, University of Surrey (June 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Classification of Vehicles for Urban Traffic Scenes
Norbert Buch, Kingston University (June 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Probabilistic Methods for Enhanced Marine Situational Awareness
Charles Bibby, Oxford University (July 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Efficient Inference and Learning for Computer Vision Labelling Problems
Karteek Alahari, Oxford Brookes University (July 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Spectrogram Track Detection: An Active Contour Framework
Thomas Lampert, University of York (July 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Automatic 3D Model Acquisition from Uncalibrated Images
Neill Campbell, University of Cambridge (September 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
Pose-Invariant 2D Face Recognition by Matching Using Graphical Models
Shervin Rahimzadeh Arashloo, University of Surrey (September 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract
3D Human Motion Tracking and Pose Estimation using Probabilistic Activity Models
John Darby, Manchester Metropolitan University (October 2010)
PDF, BibTeX+abstract