Papers from the BMVC97 Proceedings
Invited Paper
Invited Paper:
Video Mosaicing using Manifold Projection
Benny Rousso, Shmuel Peleg and Ilan Finci
Hebrew University of Jerusalem, Israel
Session 1: Robust Methods
The robustness of some scale-spaces
Richard Harvey, Alison Bosson and J. Andrew Bangham
University of East Anglia, Norwich
Robust Recursive Structure and Motion Recovery under Affine Projection
Miroslav Trajkovic and Mark Hedley
University of Sydney, Australia
Needle Map Recovery using Robust Regularizers
Philip L. Worthington and Edwin R. Hancock
University of York
Session 2: Theoretical Advances
Weighting Factors in Multiple Expert Fusion
J. Kittler, A. Hojjatoleslami and T. Windeatt
University of Surrey
Analytical Solution of Shape from Shading Problem
Seong Ik Cho, Hideo Saito and Shinji Ozawa
Keio University, Yokohama-shi, 223, Japan
Multi-Level Probabilistic Relaxation
M. Petrou, M. Mirmehdi and M. Coors
University of Surrey, Guildford
A Graph-Decomposition Algorithm for Graph Optimal Monomorphism
Yasser El-Sonbaty and M. A. Ismail
Arab Academy for Science and Technology, Alexandria, Egypt
Session 3: Shape
Improving Specificity in PDMs using a Hierarchical Approach
Tony Heap and David Hogg
University of Leeds
Volume Estimation from Sparse Planar Images using Deformable Models
C. R. Ruff, S. W. Hughes and D. J. Hawkes
Guy's and St. Thomas's Medical and Dental School
Measuring Corner Properties
Paul L. Rosin
Brunel University, Uxbridge
A Mixture Model for Representing Shape Variation
T. F. Cootes and C. J. Taylor
University of Manchester
Structurally Gated Pairwise Geometric Histograms for Shape Indexing
Benoit Huet and Edwin R. Hancock
University of York
Session 4: Humans
Learning to Identify and Track Faces in Image Sequences
G. J. Edwards, C. J. Taylor and T. F. Cootes
University of Manchester
Face Recognition in Dynamic Scenes
Stephen J. McKenna, Shaogang Gong and Yogesh Raja
Queen Mary and Westfield College, London
Fast Face Localisation and Verification
J. Matas, K. Jonsson and J. Kittler
University of Surrey
Comparing image resamplers via a model of the human vision system
Richard Harvey, Stephen King, Richard Aldridge and J. Andrew Bangham
University of East Anglia, Norwich
Robust Contour Tracking in Echocardiographic Sequences
Gary Jacob, Alison Noble and Andrew Blake
Oxford University
Detecting Stellate Lesions in Mammograms via Statistical Models
T. Parr, R. Zwiggelaar, C. J. Taylor, S. Astley and C. Boggis
University of Manchester
Session 5: Industrial Applications of Vision I
Vehicle Tracking with Applications to Collision Alert
J. M. Ferryman, S. J. Maybank and A. D. Worrall
University of Reading
Adaptive Segmentation of Ultrasound Images
Barbara Levienaise-Obadia and Andrew Gee
University of Cambridge
Thresholding for Change Detection
Paul L. Rosin
Brunel University, Uxbridge
Face recognition with the continuous n-tuple classifier
S. M. Lucas
University of Essex, Colchester
Robust and Accurate 3D Measurement of Formed Tube Using Trinocular
Stereo Vision
Paul Wade, David Moran, Jim Graham and C. Brook Jackson
University of Manchester
Session 6: Industrial Applications of Vision II
Modelling Collective Animal Behaviour using Extended Point Distribution
N. Sumpter, R. D. Boyle and R. D. Tillett
University of Leeds
VOICI: Video Overview for Image Cluster Indexing -- a swift browsing
tool for a large digital image database using similarities
J. A. Spierenburg and D. P. Huijsmans
Leiden University, Leiden, The Netherlands
Vision for Longitudinal Vehicle Control
Philip F. McLauchlan and Jitendra Malik
University of California at Berkeley, USA
Exploiting shadows in a visual, hand-driven user interface
Josephine Sullivan and Andrew Blake
University of Oxford
Session 7: Poster Papers
A Comparison of Fractal Texture Descriptors
Peter A. Freeborough
National Hospital for Neurology and Neurosurgery, London
Further Five Point Fit Ellipse Fitting
Paul L. Rosin
Brunel University, Uxbridge
Robust reconstruction of 3D space-curves from images at arbitrary angles
Peter Hall
University of Wales, Cardiff
Real-time Dynamic Deformable Meshes for Volumetric Segmentation and
R. Bowden, T. A. Mitchell and M. Sahardi
Brunel University, Uxbridge
Distinctive Descriptions for Face Processing
Darryl Hond and Libor Spacek
University of Essex
Fitting 3D point distribution models of fish to stereo images
N. J. B. McFarlane and R. D. Tillett
Silsoe Research Institute, Bedford
A comparative study of approaches to automatic pollen identification
I. France, A. W. G. Duller, H. F. Lamb and G. A. T. Duller
University of Wales, Bangor
A Deformable Model using Probabalistic Labelling and Surface Relaxation
to Segment MR Volumes
Naomi Hill, Roger Boyle and Elizabeth Berry
University of Leeds
A Corner Orientation Detector
F. Chabat, G. Z. Yang, P. Burger and D. M. Hansell
Royal Brompton Hospital, London
Implementational Improvements for Active Region Models
D. C. Alexander and B. F. Buxton
University College London
An Integrated Traffic and Pedestrian Model-Based Vision System
P. Remagnino, A. Baumberg, T Grove, D. Hogg, T. Tan, A. Worrall and K.
University of Reading, University of Leeds
Rotation Invariant Retrieval and Annotation of Image Databases
S. R. Fountain and T. N. Tan
University of Reading
Rectification with unconstrained stereo geometry
Andrea Fusiello, Emanuele Trucco and Alessandro Verri
Universita di Udine, Italy; Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh;
Universita di Genova, Italy
Vision-based Detection of Kerbs and Steps
Stephen Se and Michael Brady
Oxford University
Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Computation of Optical Flow
P. R. Giaccone and G. A. Jones
Kingston University
Comparison of Combined Shape Descriptors for Irregular Objects
Jukka Iivarinen, Markus Peura, Jaakko Sarela and Ari Visa
Helsinki University of Technology, Helsinki, Finland
Degenerate Models of Additive and Multiplicative Motion Transparency
Keith Langley
University College London
3D Surface roughness quantification
Vassili A. Kovalev, Maria Petrou and Yaroslav S. Bondar
University of Surrey, Guildford
Estimation of Objects in Highly Variable Images Using Markov Chain Monte
K. M. A. de Souza, J. T. Kent and K. V. Mardia
University of Leeds
A Model-Based Technique for the Classification of Textured Surfaces with
Illuminant Direction Invariance
G. McGunnigle and M. J. Chantler
Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Optimal Pairwise Geometric Histograms
F. J. Aherne, N. A. Thacker and P. I. Rockett
University of Sheffield
Color Recognition by Learning: ATR in Color Images
S. D. Buluswar and B. A. Draper
University of Massachusetts, Amherst, USA
Uncalibrated Stereo Correspondence by Singular Value Decomposition
Maurizio Pilu and Adele Lorusso
Hewlett-Packard Research Labs., Bristol
Rigid Motion Recovery From Less Than Eight Feature Point Matches
Miroslav Trajkovic and Mark Hedley
University of Sydney, Australia
Segmentation of Range Data into Rigid Subsets using Planar Surface
A. P. Ashbrook, R. B. Fisher, C. Robertson and N. Wergi
University of Edinburgh
Improving model shape acquisition by incorporating geometric constraints
N. Werghi, R. B. Fisher, A. Ashbrook and C. Robertson
University of Edinburgh
Correspondence Using Distinct Points Based on Image Invariants
K. N. Walker, T. F. Cootes and C. J. Taylor
University of Manchester
3D Point Distribution Models of the Cortical Sulci
A. Caunce and C. J. Taylor
University of Manchester
Using Hidden Markov Models and Dynamic Size Functions for Gesture
Andrea Sorrentino, Fabio Cuzzolin and Ruggero Frezza
University of Padova, Italy
A fixation and viewpoint measure for object-based gaze control
Rupert Young and John Illingworth
University of Surrey, Guildford
Hierarchical recognition of structured hand-printed documents using
C. Cracknell, A. C. Downton and L. Du
University of Essex, Colchester
Invited Paper
Invited Paper:
Neural network experiences between perceptrons and support vectors
Robert P. W. Duin and Dick de Ridder
Delft University of Technology, The Netherlands
Session 8: Documents and Databases
Document Mosaicing
Tony Zappala, Andrew Gee and Michael Taylor
University of Cambridge
Script and Language Identification from Document Images
G. S. Peake and T. N. Tan
University of Reading
Employing Region Features for Searching an Image Database
Matthew E. J. Wood, Neill W. Campbell and Barry T. Thomas
University of Bristol
Session 9: Colour and Time
Selection for Gamut Mapping Colour Constancy
Graham Finlayson and Steven Hordley
University of York
Visual Tracking of Solid Objects Based on an Active Contour Model
Katrin Stark and Torsten Ihle
Technical University of Dresden, Germany
Finding the Epipole from Uncalibrated Optical Flow
Alexandro Verri and Emanuele Trucco
Universita di Genova, Italy and Heriot-Watt University, Edinburgh
Robust Stereo via Temporal Consistency
S. Crossley, A. J. Lacey, N. A. Thacker and N. L. Seed
University of Sheffield
Using Expectation-Maximisation to Learn Dynamical Models from Visual
Ben North and Andrew Blake
University of Oxford
Session 10: Surfaces
Progress in arbitrary topology deformable surfaces
A. Saminathan, A. J. Stoddart, A. Hilton and J. Illingworth
University of Surrey
Uncalibrated Reconstruction of Curved Surfaces
Jun Sato and Roberto Cipolla
University of Cambridge
A Plane Measuring Device
A. Criminisi, I. Reid and A. Zisserman
Oxford University
A Method of 3D Surface Correspondence for Automated Landmark Generation
A. D. Brett, A. Hill and C. J. Taylor
University of Manchester
End of conference