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2 Concept of geometrical solution


Let defined by ( p , q ,-1) be the normal vector of a point ( X , Y , Z ) existing on continuous and compact surface, defined by -1) the position vector of a light source, then, Lambertian reflectance is described as
where denotes the angle intersected by and . The purpose of SFS approach is to recover the surface Z ( X , Y ), or exactly the tangent surface of Z ( X , Y ), using and existing constraint(s).

2.1 Concept of global solution


As has been discussed in previous researches[ 1 , 20 , 14 ], there exist a parameter-family of planes having equal height in the direction of light source due to the constant angle on each plane as is shown in Fig. 1 . The edge of continuous surface cut by a equal height plane becomes a continuously connected spatial curve, i.e. the level curve. Each level curve has a corresponding iso-intensity contour on projected image plane (Fig. 1 ). At each point ( X , Y , Z ), a tangent vector of level curve, another vector existing in the direction of steepest descent/ascent variation of depth, and the normal vector constitute locally orthogonal coordinate system; and vectors and define corresponding tangent patch. Classical CSEM is a way which recovers the tangent surface in the direction of [ 17 ]. Whereas LCPM is another way which expands level curves in the direction of by curvature dependent speed of time for the recovery of tangent surface[ 20 , 14 ].

Regardless of the ways of propagation, we should rely on a constraint: the angle . Then the solution of determined using and becomes a ambiguous cone at each point ( X , Y , Z )[ 14 ]. Consequently, the solution of becomes another cone as is shown in Fig. 2 . This cone, generated by which contacts the tangent surface, is called the Monge cone (see pp.24-33 of [ 7 ] for detail). A cone is composed of stacked circles, and a family of circles having their center on a continuous curve is contacted by two envelop curves as is shown in Fig. 3 . A family of circles, when each circle is a sliced edge of Monge cone, is contacted by a family of envelop curves at a proportionally given distance from the center of each cone. Since each cone has non-zero length determined by the length of normal vector, the stack of envelop curves becomes a paired family of envelop surfaces having angle of separation by the definition of the Monge cone. The envelop surfaces are the solution of this SFS problem as is shown in Fig. 4 because each envelop surface, at all point of a level curve, satisfies the condition of all Monge cones, i.e. the solution of eq. ( 2 ), simultaneously.

Typically two tangent surfaces can be obtained between two adjacent planes of level curves. The integration of one set of tangent surfaces generally gives unique solution of continuous surface Z ( X , Y ) in LCPM when there is no topological change because the freedom of selecting the orientation of three vectors doesn't change the shape of integrated surface although it changes the propagating direction, downward or upward, of level curves. However, it is distinct that we always have two possible solutions of resultant surface as already discussed in [ 1 , 17 ] because the distinguishability of correct solution between two is not guaranteed. Generally, the existence of the solution at singular points and in occluding boundary is not guaranteed by the global approach[ 21 , 20 ].

2.2 Existence of local solution


The existence of global solution comes from the compact existence of Monge cones on a level curve. This means that the SFS problem is bound by two constraints, i.e. the intersection angle and the continuity, not by one constraint.

A local tangent patch, defined by the envelop surface of at least two Monge cones, exists at any point on a level curve due to the continuity of this curve. As is shown in Fig. 5 , this patch has angle of intersection w.r.t. the plane which is bound by this curve. This is a local interpretation of the global concept of solution. Therefore, each patch is constrained by angle which can be determined from eq. ( 2 ), by X , Y position, and by a iso-intensity curve which corresponds to the projected curve of each level curve. The direction of , which can be obtained from this iso-intensity curve, first fixes the axis of rotation of a tangent patch; then this patch is rotated w.r.t. the plane by this axis to the amount of angle . This rotation provides unique existence of local solution having two degrees of freedom.

Although the patch is constrained by the plane , it doesn't mean that the corresponding normal vector is variant w.r.t. the variation of . The variants are both the angle and the direction of , i.e. the level curve, because the geometrical relation between and determines the level curves in the process of shading. The vector is invariant, and consequently the integrated surface is invariant as well; and which satisfies the conservation law of Hamilton-Jacobi equations[ 2 , 20 ].

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Seong Ik CHO
Wed Jul 9 19:45:21 JST 1997