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5.1 The tetrahedron

Figure 2 a (left) shows a tetrahedron with three faces visible, This object involves three constraints represented by the three angles , and between the three surface normals, as well as the unit vector constraints, The energy function is:


The data was acquired with a 3D triangulation range sensor. All constraints were applied simultaneously according to algorithm optim1 . The results are the average of 100 trials, with the initial vector corrupted by a uniform deviation of scale .

The angle constraint errors (Fig. 2 b) are decreasing linearly at a logarithmic scale. Both constraints are highly satisfied for large value of . One can observe that increasing by factor of 10 leads nearly to an accuracy improvement factor of 10 in the constraint. It is seen also that the least squares function converges to a stable value, whereas the constraint function decreases to zero at the end of the estimation (Fig. 2 c)

Figure: (a) Acquired and segmented real data. (b) decrease of the unit vector and the angle constraint error functions with respect to . (c) variation of the LS function and the constraint function with respect to .

Naoufel Werghi
Thu Jul 10 17:36:04 BST 1997