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4 Feed Forward Estimation

The usual approach to computing optical flow is to embed the estimator within a multi-resolution framework [ 1 , 9 , 4 ] and allow motion estimates from higher coarse-resolution levels in the hierarchy act as initial solutions at lower high-resolution levels. The primary motivation for such a complex architecture is to enable the method to detect and estimate large visual motions reliably.

In the previous section we demonstrated that the estimator derived in section 2 can handle arbitrary large motions given a reasonably accurate initial estimate. A feed forward architecture based on the above affine motion model has been developed[ 7 ] that takes advantage of the fact that the changes in motion from one frame to the next ( i.e. accelerations ) are often small. Motion estimates derived for the current frame are fed forward to act as the initial displacement field of the next frame. From this data the estimator of equation 9 is used to generate the motion parameters of the next frame. This approach is therefore spatio-temporal in character and eliminates the need for multi-resolution. The proposed architecture is illustrated in figure 4 .

Figure 4: Feed Forward Architecture

Forward Warping Procedure

The warping procedure (labelled in figure 4 ) is required to create the future displacement field from the affine motion parameters computed for the current frame based on the assumption that the velocities remain constant i.e.

As the motion model is affine, each rectangular neighbourhood in the current image may be projected to a quadrilateral in the next. An initial velocity field for the next image may then be generated for pixels within these projected quadrilateral regions using the predicted affine parameters computed as follows. For the motion model of equation 10 , can be redefined as

Thus the predicted affine parameters may be defined as

A warped image is now recovered using bilinear interpolation.

Next: 5 Spatio-Temporal Motion Models Up: Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Computation Previous: 3 Estimating Large Velocities

Graeme Jones
Thu Jul 17 12:40:38 BST 1997