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2 Iterative Estimation of Optic Flow

The classical optical flow approach generates motion fields between successive images. Rather than motion, the generalised formulation presented here computes the displacement field which defines the change in position of a pixel from frame t to some arbitrary time in the past or future. Thus the position of a pixel at time is given by

Assuming constant intensity over short sequences of images, the estimated displacement field should warp a pixel of a particular greylevel to one of the same greylevel in another image. The accuracy of this motion can be measured by an error term which compares the greylevel at a point in the image at time t with the greylevel of the image at time at the displaced pixel location, i.e. the error term is defined as


As the above term is not sufficiently constrained to compute the displacement field at each pixel, a motion model defining motion over a local neighbourhood of pixels is required to provide the additional constraint. The displacement field may now be related to any as yet unspecified linear motion model


where are the motion parameters for the current image. Thus we can rewrite the error term as


Combining this motion model expression with a first order Taylor series expansion of the error term generates the usual optical flow constraint which may be used to construct a least squares functional in terms of the motion parameters

where the frame difference is given by .

A problem arises for all methods using the Taylor series expansion of the intensity constancy constraint: the magnitude of detectable changes in displacement is effectively restricted to the width of the spatial derivative operator . Larger motions are likely to be corrupted by aliasing . The common use of Gaussian smoothing to suppress noise generates a derivative operator whose inter-peak width is . Thus the magnitude of detectable motions is determined by the standard deviation of the smoothing operation. Multi-resolution copes with this problem to some extent by providing an ordered and overlapping set of detectable velocity ranges.  

Recent work has shown that a new iterative formulation of the intensity constancy constraint handles arbitrary large motions [ 7 , 8 ]. Given initial estimates of the optical flow, this approach described in full below can currently cope with remarkably large displacements provided the visual motions are not undergoing large accelerations. In this context, the width of the spatial derivative operator acts only as a limit on the detectable rate of change in velocity.

To generate a suitable iterative estimator, the error function of equation 4 must be linearized around the previous motion estimate

where is the motion compensated frame and is the update to the previous motion parameters. The displaced frame difference is given by

where is the displacement field generated by the motion parameter estimate using equation 3 .

Any errors in the motion compensated frame are compounded when computing its spatial derivatives. For this reason, we use the spatial derivatives as a good approximation to . The error term may now be rewritten to relate the next estimate of the motion parameters to the current estimate of the displacement field


Such a formulation enables accurate motion estimation even in the presence of large velocities given an accurate initial estimate of the displacement field .

Deriving a least squares iterative estimator

A neighbourhood of pixels, , consisting of a rectangular region in the current image, is used to define a spatial support for a least-squares formulation. The temporal support (where ) is the set of images over which the minimisation is to be established. The set therefore provides the required spatio-temporal support. Using the error term of equation 7 , an error functional in terms of the current motion estimate may be defined as


Setting to zero the partial derivatives of the above functional with respect to generates the following iterative estimator for


where the first parameter estimate can be computed from the initial displacement field .

Next: 3 Estimating Large Velocities Up: Spatio-Temporal Approaches to Computation Previous: 1 Introduction

Graeme Jones
Thu Jul 17 12:40:38 BST 1997