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5 The Covariance of the Estimated Homography

  In this section we compute the covariance of the homography H estimated from n image-world point correspondences. We consider all the computation points to be measured with error modelled as an homogeneous, isotropic Gaussian noise process. For the image computation points we define , and for the world ones . It is not strictly necessary to have such idealised distributions but this has not been found to be a restriction in practice.

From section  3.1 we seek the eigenvector with smallest eigenvalue of . If the measured points are noise-free, or n = 4, then and in general we can assume that for the residual error .

We now use matrix perturbation theory [ 7 ] to compute the covariance of based on this zero approximation. In a similar manner to [ 16 ], it can be shown that the covariance matrix is
where , with the eigenvector of the matrix and the corresponding eigenvalue. S is the matrix:
with row vector of the A matrix and

The above theory has a double advantage over other methods such as [ 2 , ] which require the inverse of in order to compute . These methods are poorly conditioned if only four correspondences are used, or if n > 4 and the correspondences are (almost) noise-free. In both cases matrix is singular and thus is not invertible. Because the derivation of expression ( 7 ) has not involved the inverse, it is well conditioned in both these cases.

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Antonio Criminisi
Sun Jul 13 11:42:29 GMT 1997