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2 The Camera Model

We describe here the camera model which consists of central projection specialised to planes.

Figure: (a) Plane Camera Model: a point on the world plane is imaged as . Euclidean coordinates X - Y and x - y are used for the world and image planes, respectively. is the camera centre. (b) One-dimensional Camera Model: The camera centre is a distance f (the focal length) from the image line. The ray at the principal point p is perpendicular to the image line, and intersects the world line at P , with world ordinate t . w is the angle between the world and image lines.

Figure  1 a shows the imaging process. The notation used is that points on the world plane are represented by upper case vectors, , and their corresponding images are represented by lower case vectors . Under perspective projection corresponding points are related by [ 9 , 13 ]:
where H is a homogeneous matrix, and ``='' is equality up to scale. The world and image points are represented by homogeneous 3-vectors as and . The scale of the matrix does not affect the equation, so only the eight degrees of freedom corresponding to the ratio of the matrix elements are significant.

The camera model is completely specified once the matrix is determined. The matrix can be computed from the relative positioning of the two planes and camera centre. However, it can also be computed directly from image to world point correspondences. This computation is described in section  3 .

2.1 Line to Line camera


A one-dimensional version of the plane to plane homography is described here. This model is used for the second order analysis in section  4 . Equation ( 1 ) reduces to

where is a homography matrix. For the geometry shown in figure  1 b the matrix is given by with parameters and .

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Antonio Criminisi
Sun Jul 13 11:42:29 GMT 1997