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3 Tracking experiments

  A series of experiments were performed to compare tracking performance using different models of system dynamics and training strategies. Data for these experiments was acquired using a HP SONOS 1000 ultrasound machine at the John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. The data was recorded on VHS video and then digitised.

3.1 Shape-space estimation:

An experiment was conducted to compute the matrix for an echocardiographic data set. The peak of the ECG R-wave was chosen as the starting point to a cardiac cycle. The first frame of the image sequence was then manually segmented. The resulting spline, with 14 control points defined the initial template. Four non-consecutive cycles were selected in this way, with the aim of obtaining a representative sample of heart cycle variations. Table 1 summarises the results of PCA analysis. For this data set, four modes explained of the variation.

We can express any shape in a training set as an initial template plus a multiple of the estimated matrix. As we have seen in the last section we can chose via principal component analysis, such that the of the variability is explained by the first k eigenvalues. (in example 1, k =4, N =95).

It is possible to take the mean shape and add to it multiples of each mode to see what that particular mode represents. Equation 1 becomes,

where, is the i th eigenvector, is the i th eigenvalue which represents the sample variance of , and m is a scalar usually varying between 1 and 3.


Mode Eigenvalue Variability percent Cumulative variability
1 360197.5 0.712 0.712
2 60381.77 0.119 0.832
3 41323.56 0.0817 0.913
4 21986.23 0.0435 0.957
Table 1: The results of applying a principal component analysis to 4 manually segmented cardiac cycles. 4 modes of variation explain over of the variability.


Plots of the first four modes for this example are shown in Figure 1 (top). The thicker contour is the mean shape curve. The two thinner curves represent the mean shape standard deviations. The first mode appears to be a translation mode. The second mode appears to be a scaling mode where the scaling applies to the bottom of the left ventricle next to the mitral valve. The third and fourth modes both appear to represent a combination of scaling and translation.

Figure 1: Principal component analysis performed on 4 cardiac cycles of a ultrasonic image sequence. Top : The mean shape (thick curve) is plotted along with curves representing the addition of standard deviations to the mean shape mode; From left, mode 1 (the dominant mode) to mode 4. Bottom : The mean shape (filled line) is plotted along with flow lines representing how the start of each span behaves with the addition of standard deviations to the mean. From left, mode 1 (the dominant mode) to mode 4.

An alternative way of visualising the modes of variation is depicted in Figure 1 (bottom). Here flow vectors have been used to indicate the deformation for selected points along the contour. In this figure each flow vector is centred on a point on the mean shape. The ends of the flow vectors are located at three standard deviations from the mean shape taken in the direction of the shape deformation. The attraction of this method of visualisation is that it can be used to highlight the degree of scaling, translation and rotation for a general shape deformation. This can be difficult to determine by simply plotting the shape modes (Figure 1 (top). For example, in Figure 1 (bottom) it is clearer now that although mode 1 is predominately a translation mode there is also a small rotation component. Mode 4 shows a strong horizontal translation component.

Recall from Equation 1 that the shape-space model is given by, can be recovered as, where is the pseudo-inverse of . Figure 2 shows plots of the shape-space vector over time. Note in particular the periodicity of the second mode. Temporal plots of this kind are potentially of great clinical value for quantifying heart periodicity and asynchronousy. We plan to investigate this idea in future work.

Figure 2: Plots of the four components of over one cardiac cycle; from (a) to (d), components 1 to 4. Each component is plotted against the time for the image sequence.

3.2 Can we assume an affine mode of deformation?

Recall from Section 2.1 that it is possible to define the matrix with varying degrees of freedom (dimensionality). A low dimensional space, such as an affine space, is attractive as it is easier to compute and offers an intuitive interpretation. All prior work on tracking hearts in 2D image sequences has assumed this model. On the other hand a higher dimensional space might be necessary for accurately characterising deformation and tracking. An experiment was conducted to investigate how close a matrix estimated using PCA and training was to an affine space. The purpose of this experiment was to see whether a higher dimensional space was really necessary for characterising heart dynamics.

The residual r defined as,

was used as the similarity metric. Here is an eigenvector of the PCA matrix, is an affine shape matrix and is its corresponding pseudo-inverse.


0.3411 0.1163
0.2931 0.0859
0.9392 0.8821
0.4811 0.2315
Table 2: Projecting a matrix obtained using PCA into an affine space. Shown is the residual after projecting into the affine space, .


Table 2 summarises the residuals computed for the first four modes of the normal heart image sequence PCA matrix. This shows that although modes 1,2 and 4 are fairly close to affine components, only of mode 3 can be explained by an affine deformation. The importance of this results is that it tells us that the dynamics of the left ventricular boundary cannot be modelled well by an affine deformation.

3.3 Comparing shape models:

An alternative way to compare how well different shape-models capture heart dynamics is to perform a visual inspection of tracking performance. An experiment was performed to compare tracking results using (1) a matrix chosen to correspond to an affine shape matrix, (2) a matrix estimated using PCA and (3) a matrix estimated using PCA followed by training.

Figure 3 shows `snapshot' views of tracking using the three approaches on three consecutive frames. The main conclusion that we could draw from this experiment was that tracking based on methods (2) and (3) gives superior results to method (1) in terms of how closely the tracker followed the observed heart chamber boundary movement. This indicates that that heart dynamics are not well modelled by a (simple) affine model. Training - method (3) - did appear to be slightly more resilient to spurious features and was less sensitive to parts of the contour fading out of the measurement window over part of the cardiac cycle. However, this approach is computationally more expensive. It was also very apparent from this study that further improvement in tracking performance could only be achieved by enhancing the image feature detection process. We consider this next.

Figure 3: Echogram tracking using affine W matrix (left), W matrix from PCA (middle), trained tracker using W matrix from PCA (right). (a) - (c) Frames 44, 45, and 46.

Next: 4 Improving feature detection Up: Robust Contour Tracking in Previous: 2 Theory

Gary Jacob
Tue Jul 22 17:45:09 BST 1997