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2 Theory

  Blake's contour tracking algorithm is based on a combination of active shape modelling and stochastic methods for tracking non-rigid objects over time [ 1 , 2 ]. The former encompasses the observation that the shape of an object can vary considerably over time, and between object instances. A flexible model, or deformable template, is used to allow for some degree of variability in the shape of the imaged object. The model aims to capture the natural variability within a class of shapes. The tracker can learn classes of motion (shape deformation) from a training set. To track an object, in our case a left ventricle, a flexible and robust shape model is propagated over time using stochastic differential equations, whose parameters are learnt from image training-sequences. In echocardiographic image tracking this is especially challenging because of speckle noise and artifacts of the imaging process.

2.1 Shape-space model

To begin with we need to be able to represent shape deformation of an object, which we assume is a non-rigid contour (B-spline). This is done using the concept of a shape-space. A shape-space is a linear mapping of a ``shape-space vector'' to a spline-vector ,


where is called a shape matrix. The elements of act as weights on the columns of . is a constant offset, for example, a mean shape.

As an example, a planar affine shape space is described by,


where are the x template coordinates of control points, chosen with the centroid at the origin; similarly for . Here the first two columns of represent horizontal and vertical translation. The third and fourth columns represent scaling (width and height respectively). The last two columns deal with rotation. Rather than using Equation 1 or Equation 2 it is possible to apply a principal component analysis [ 10 ] to the data to determine the size of space that could be used to represent the motion (or shape deformation) of the object. The advantage is that the resulting matrix is finely tuned to the deformations of the object of interest, in our case the left ventricle. The disadvantage is that interpretation of the resulting matrix is less clear. We return to this point in Section 3 .

2.2 Tracking and training

To track an object, a shape model is propagated over time using stochastic differential equations.

Tracker dynamics can be described by a second order autoregressive model which can be written in discrete form as,


A Kalman filter framework [ 5 ] is used to iteratively update the tracking algorithm using a prediction-update strategy. The prediction step updates the motion based on the model of the tracker dynamics. This prediction is then corrected in the update step using information provided by the measurement process. In the original tracker implementation measurements are made along the normals to the present estimate of the contour to save computational expense. Features are detected by applying a one-dimensional gradient operator along the sampled normals and selecting the strongest response as the most probable feature.


In Equation 3 , matrices and govern the behaviour of the tracking algorithm and can either be set by specifying `reasonable' default dynamics or learnt from extended training sequences. In practice, choosing a set of good default dynamics is time-consuming and problematic and training is necessary. Suppose that we are given a training sequence of data. We can estimate (or equivalently ) by noting that the covariance of the data set is . The procedure for finding the coefficient matrices for and is a little more complicated [ 2 ].

Briefly, first a principal component analysis is applied to the data to estimate . This is done in order to restrict the state space to a low-dimensional subspace during training to avoid overfitting. Training data is collected by tracking an ultrasound sequence using a tracker with good default dynamics. The learning exercise is then to estimate the coefficients and from this training sequence of spline contours. The discrete-time system parameters are estimated via Maximum Likelihood estimation (MLE). Assuming that the noise is Gaussian, it is straightforward to set up and maximise the likelihood function.

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Gary Jacob
Tue Jul 22 17:45:09 BST 1997