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2 Active Contour


B-spline representation of contours

The method used to track an object silhouette in an image sequence is based on a framework for spatiotemporal control of the tracking of visual contours [ 2 ].
A contour is efficiently represented in parametric form as a closed B-spline ( X ( s ), Y ( s )):

where and are the control point vectors and is a vector of basis functions. In our tracking framework

are chosen depending on the shape of the contour, which is approximately known in advance, enabling efficient contour tracking. More specifically, spline segments can be linear or quadratic for linear and curved contour parts, respectively. Furthermore, corners in the silhouette arising from vertices at the object surface or from T-junctions are modeled as corners in the spline .

Stochastic dynamic model and Kalman filter

The contour is assumed to evolve over time with a uniform 2D motion, where randomly varying forces acting on the contour are modeled as an additive Gaussian noise process. In an augmented state space , representing the position and the velocity, a simple dynamic model can be introduced as a stochastic differential equation:

where is a zero mean, temporally uncorrelated noise process. A similar equation applies for . The and processes are independent, assuming isotropic noise processes.

The B-spline contour represents the current estimate of the real silhouette, which can be measured in the images as contrast edges . Measurements of the visual feature are made in the normal direction along the B-spline contour at sample points. The measurements are then used to update the current B-spline contour.

A steady state Kalman filter is derived to enhance the tracking process according to the assumed underlying motion model of the contour. A detailed discussion of the spatio-temporal filtering can be found in [ 2 ] and [ 12 ].

Persistent Shape Model

The expected shape of the visual feature in the first frame is used to initialize the system state of the contour tracker. However, its influence decreases continuously, so that, in a steady state Kalman filter, no shape memory remains. For tracking silhouettes of 3D rigid objects it is desirable to assure, that the tracker retains some shape memory throughout the tracking process by means of a persistent template. A persistent template enforces additional smoothness on the B-splines. Furthermore, the tracker should not only be attracted to the initial template, but to a set generated by a certain group of transformations on the template, in order to account for the transformations a 3D rigid object (and hence its silhouette) might undergo in space.

The contour generator of a curved object is viewpoint dependent, which makes it impossible to regard it as a rigid space curve and utilizing the persistent template suggested in [ 10 ]. However, due to the availability of the 3D pose tracker we are able to predict the silhouette in the future. For small viewpoint changes we can then approximate the allowed silhouette changes by linear combinations of the current and future silhouettes. This can be integrated in the tracking framework by restricting the state space onto a subspace spanned by a few silhouettes.

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Tue Jul 8 17:36:41 MET DST 1997