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3 Polyhedral-Based Correspondence

This section describes a correspondence algorithm which produces a mapping between two triangulated surfaces and . In our case, the 3D surface is defined as a set of planar contours. Each contour represents the outline of a 3D object as it appears in a single 2D slice of a 3D image. The vertices of these contours are the pointsets and . The connectivity of each pointset is generated from its contour representation using the algorithm of Geiger [ 5 ]. This produces densely triangulated polyhedral surface representations. We assume that the geometric information of each surface has been normalised such that the centre-of-gravity is at the origin and the mean distance of the points from the origin is 1. The output of the algorithm is a pair of sparse polyhedrons and for which and . Pairs of labelled vertices from these polyhedrons comprise a set of correspondences. The connectivity of each of the corresponding polyhedra is identical. The pair-wise correspondence algorithm comprises two stages:

  1. Generation of sparse polyhedral approximations of the input shapes and , and by triangle decimation; for which and . The connectivity descriptions of vertices in these polyhedra are updated during the decimation process. This reduces the computational complexity of the correspondence task. No correspondences are established between the pair of shapes at this stage, and the polyhedrons will usually have a different number of vertices i.e. .
  2. Generation of a corresponding pair of sparse polygons and . This is accomplished using a global Euclidean measure of similarity between both the sparse polyhedron and a subset of labelled vertices from and between and a subset from . The connectivity and number of vertices from either or is chosen to define the polyhedra and from the labelled vertices and .

These two steps will now be described in greater detail.

3.1 Sparse Polyhedron Generation

To generate a sparse polyhedron representing , we have used a modified version of the triangle mesh decimation algorithm of Schroeder et al [ 10 ]. The original decimation algorithm had three stages:

  1. Each vertex of the triangle mesh of is characterised by local geometry and topology and labelled with one of five classifications, this step requires the definition of a threshold feature angle .
  2. A decimation criterion is evaluated for each vertex based upon a distance metric appropriate to its classification. If where is some target distance, then the vertex is removed.
  3. The hole left by removing a vertex is filled by re-triangulation.
The algorithm is implemented by making multiple passes over all vertices in the mesh until some termination criterion is met. This criterion may be based on either the number of vertices left in the mesh or upon d .

Our adaptation of this algorithm makes use of a volume metric rather than a distance metric for the decimation criterion. This is analogous to the area metric of the Critical Point Detection (CPD) [ 15 ] algorithm used for the decimation of polygons in the 2D version of this landmarking framework. The use of a volume metric allows us to treat all of the vertices of a mesh uniformly and to dispense with the vertex characterisation step of the algorithm. As a consequence of this, we may also dispense with the definition of a threshold feature angle.

The volume metric is computed using Schroeder's distance to mean plane measure. The mean plane associated with a vertex is defined by a unit normal and weighted centroid which are defined using the triangles connected to :

where , and are respectively the centroids, unit surface normals and areas of triangle connected to . The volume metric is computed as:

where and are the sums of the areas of the triangles in the loop before and after decimation respectively, and and are the signed distances of the vertex to the mean plane of the loop before and after decimation i.e. . By decimation it is meant that the vertex associated with the loop has been removed and the resulting hole re-triangulated. Re-triangulation of the hole is by a recursive loop-splitting algorithm which seeks to fill the hole with triangles of high aspect ratio.

The decimation algorithm is implemented by keeping a list of vertices sorted by increasing . The head of this list is iteratively decimated and the list updated until a target number of vertices for the sparse polyhedron is met. Again, this is analogous to the CPD algorithm used for polygon decimation. Thus, a sparse polyhedral approximation to our original triangulated mesh is produced which consists of a subset of vertices of that mesh, see Figure 1.

Figure 1: Result of applying the decimation algorithm to a triangulated surface of the left ventricle of the brain. On the left is a shaded representation of the original dense triangulation with approximately 2000 vertices. On the right the same surface decimated by 90%.

This stage of the algorithm introduces the only control parameter in the algorithm - the target number of vertices that should be left in the sparse polyhedral representation after decimation. We have determined empirically that the removal of 90% of the original vertices gives an adequate shape representation whilst decreasing the computational cost of finding correspondences and merging shapes in the subsequent stages of the algorithm.

3.2 Correspondence via Euclidean Transformation

We have used the Iterative Closest Point (ICP) algorithm described by Besl and McKay [ 2 ] to establish correspondences between the vertices of and . The ICP algorithm determines the Euclidean transformation required to map one pointset onto another pointset without any initial correspondence information. We have used a symmetric version of this algorithm to establish correspondences of the sparse pointset with the dense pointset and of the sparse pointset with the dense pointset . Producing correspondences using the sparse polyhedra which have been generated by decimation cuts down the computational cost of this stage of the algorithm. The symmetric ICP algorithm is as follows:


The pointsets and are the vertices of the original densely triangulated surfaces, the subsets and are the vertices of the decimated surfaces. An initial estimate of the pose Q is made by finding the translation required to register the centroids of the pointsets in an intermediate frame, and the scaling required to equalise the average chord length (average distance from all points to centroid) of the two pointsets.

Various metrics can be used to define the best match between pointsets. We have used a symmetric measurement of the distance error in registration of the pointsets. We minimise this error such that the pose Q which satisfies:

is determined, where Q represents the Euclidean transformation , s is a scale factor, is a rotation matrix and is a translation. This measures the point registration errors in an intermediate frame rather than in either frame or frame .

The connectivity of the polyhedra may be used to improve the performance of the algorithm by using information about the surface normals at each point. We weight the squared distance between points by a factor of where is the unit surface normal on at point i , to encourage the correspondence of points on the surfaces which are topologically equivalent.

A single corresponding pair of sparse polyhedra must now be established from the two polyhedron/pointset pairs, and . The choice of connectivity is not critical and so we choose the connectivity of (the binary tree framework causes the error of the match to be tested for both pair orderings). This choice defines one of the corresponding sparse polyhedra . The connectivity description of is now combined with the pointset to produce a pair of matching polyhedra with a one-to-one mapping . The number of correspondences has now been determined: .

Next: 4 Merging Shapes Up: A Method of Previous: 2 Background

Alan Brett
Wed Jul 9 16:24:02 BST 1997