The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition 

BMVC Statistics

Year Where Total Accepted Orals Posters %UK+ %Intl# Total Day Late Early Late Overall Oral
2017 Imperial, London 635 188 36 152 15% 85% 495 385! 445! 29.6% 5.6%
2016 York 365 144 38 106 18% 82% 214 4 26 520 580 39% 10%
2015 Swansea 553 186 41 145 17% 88% 331 16 54 505 565 33% 7%
2014 Nottingham 431 131 33 98 29% 79% 185 524 587 30% 7%
2013 Bristol 439 131 29 102 16% 88% 201 4 40 475 525 30% 7%
2012 Surrey 414 132 32 100 29% 77% 300 6 18 475 525 32% 8%
2011 Dundee 419 132 35 97 27% 77% 194 520 580 32% 8%
2010 Aberystwyth 341 116 30 86 33% 72% 395 445 34% 9%
2009 UCL/QMUL 325 125 30 95 36% 70% 210 ~60 475 550 38% 9%
2008 Leeds 255 123 32 91 35% ~65% 182 69 475 500 48% 13%
2007 Warwick 287 114 41 73 47% ~53% 260 ~30 475 500 40% 14%
2006 Edinburgh 427 129 46 81 31% 75% 227 33 450 480 30% 11%
2005 Oxford Brookes 250 95 42 53 52% 52% 160 40 50 450 480 38% 17%
2004 Kingston 275 99 42 56 44% 61% 460 480 36% 15%
2003 UEA 173 83 37 46 57% 52% 112 435 460 48% 21%
2002 Cardiff 185 83 37 43 71% 36% 122 465 490 43% 20%
2001 Manchester 115 72 35 37 78% 25% 130 360 400 63% 30%
2000 Bristol 82 66% 37%
1999 Nottingham 105 64 41 24 88% 20% 110 62% 39%
1998 Southampton 173 92 36 52 71% 37% 51% 21%
1997 Essex 113 72 39 31 83% 19% 62% 35%
1996 Edinburgh 77 82% 23%
1995 Birmingham 100 69 39 29 81% 20% 68% 39%
1994 York 174 79 45 32 77% 24% 122 44% 26%
1993 Surrey 125 66 42 22 74% 27% 135 27 250 270 51% 34%
1992 Leeds 124 61 41 20 89% 16% 140 220 240 49% 33%
1991 Glasgow 62 94% 8%
1990 Oxford 73 42 30 86% 14%
1989 (AVC) Reading 56 45 11 95% 9%
1988 (AVC) Manchester 45 45 0 98% 2%
1987 (AVC) Cambridge 46 46 0 100% ~0%
1985 (AVC) Sussex 30 30 0 97% 3% 135 95 95

* Residential, non-student, including tutorial, all meals (inc banquet), and 3 nights b&b
+ Papers with any UK author
# Papers with any non-UK author
Note that the above two may sum to more than 100%. “~” entries are computed as 100-the other.
! Non Residential

BMVC Invited Speakers and Tutorials

Year Where Invited speakers Tutorial
2017 Imperial, London R Szeliski, P Perona L Agapito, S Whiteson, A Geiger, V Lepetit
2016 York K Ikeuchi, R Urtasun A Ghosh
2015 Swansea Ron Kimmel, Kristen Grauman A Fitzgibbon
2014 Nottingham Fei-Fei Li, Luc van Gool A Vedaldi
2013 Bristol A Zisserman, F Dellaert A Coates, A Krause
2012 Surrey J Matas, S Sclaroff H Jégou, P Kohli
2011 Dundee D Fleet, N Paragios
2010 Aberystwyth M Hebert, J Ponce
2009 UCL/QMUL R Chellappa, A Efros A Fitzgibbon
2008 Leeds R Zabih, C Schmid P Torr
2007 Warwick H Knutsson, M Shah A Davison
2006 Edinburgh M Petrou, D Kriegman, B Curless T Cootes
2005 Oxford Brookes W Freeman, M Irani
2004 Kingston P Fua, M Brand M Nixon
2003 UEA D Forsyth, U Grenander
2002 Cardiff Y Aloimonos, V Hlavác M Trucco
2001 Manchester JS Duncan, P Perona N Thacker, P Courtney
2000 Bristol E Grimson, L Van Gool A Blake
1999 Nottingham R Szeliski D Metaxas M Petrou, J Kittler
1998 Southampton A Clark, J Illingworth
1997 Essex S Peleg, B Duin D Cooper, A Fitzgibbon
1996 Edinburgh J-O Eklundh A Bobick
1995 Birmingham J Malik, N Ayache R Boyle, D Hogg
1994 York J Koenderink
1993 Surrey G Granlund, I Biederman R Wilson
1992 Leeds R Haralick, G Sandini A Zisserman, C Rothwell
1991 Glasgow D Terzopoulos
1990 Oxford S White, S Zucker