General Human Traits Oriented Generic Elastic Model for 3D Face Reconstruction

Joi San Tan, Ibrahim Venkat, Iman Yi Liao and Philippe De Wilde


We propose a Simpli_ed Generic Elastic Model (S-GEM) which intends to construct a 3D face from a given 2D face image by making use of a set of general human traits viz., Gender, Ethnicity and Age (GEA). Different from the original GEM model which employs and deforms the mean depth value of 3D sample faces according to a speci_c 2D input face image, we hypothesise that the variations inherent on the depth information for individuals are signi_cantly mitigated by narrowing down the target information via a selection of speci_c GEA traits. This is achieved by representing the unknown 3D facial feature points of a 2D input as a Gaussian Mixture Model (GMM) of that of the samples of its own GEA type. It is then further incorporated into a Bayesian framework whereby the 3D face reconstruction is posed as estimating the PCA coef_cients of a statistical 3D face model, given the observation of 2D feature points, however, with their respective depth as hidden variables. By making the reasonable assumption that the support area of each component of GMM is small enough, the proposed method is reduced to choose the depth values of the features points of a sample face that is nearest to the 2D input face. Thus the 3D reconstruction is obtained with depth-value augmented feature points rather than the 2D ones in normal PCA statistical model based reconstruction. The proposed method has been tested with the USF 3D face database as well as the FRGC dataset. The experimental results show that the proposed S-GEM has achieved improved reconstruction accuracy, consistency, and the robustness over the conventional PCA based and the GEM (mean-face feature points) reconstruction, and also yields enhanced visual improvements on certain facial features.


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Joi San Tan, Ibrahim Venkat, Iman Yi Liao and Philippe De Wilde. General Human Traits Oriented Generic Elastic Model for 3D Face Reconstruction. In Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock and William A. P. Smith, editors, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC), pages 89.1-89.13. BMVA Press, September 2016.


        	title={General Human Traits Oriented Generic Elastic Model for 3D Face Reconstruction},
        	author={Joi San Tan, Ibrahim Venkat, Iman Yi Liao and Philippe De Wilde},
        	booktitle={Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference (BMVC)},
        	publisher={BMVA Press},
        	editor={Richard C. Wilson, Edwin R. Hancock and William A. P. Smith},