Top down saliency estimation via superpixel-based discriminative dictionaries

Aysun Kocak, Kemal Cizmeciler, Aykut Erdem and Erkut Erdem

In Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference 2014


Predicting where humans look in images has gained significant popularity in recent years. In this work, we present a novel method for learning top-down visual saliency, which is well-suited to locate objects of interest in complex scenes. During training, we jointly learn a superpixel based class-specific dictionary and a Conditional Random Field (CRF). While using such a discriminative dictionary helps to distinguish target objects from the background, performing the computations at the superpixel level allows us to improve accuracy of object localizations. Experimental results on the Graz-02 and PASCAL VOC 2007 datasets show that the proposed approach is able to achieve state-of-the-art results and provides much better saliency maps.


Poster Session


Extended Abstract (PDF, 1 page, 240K)
Paper (PDF, 12 pages, 1.2M)
Bibtex File


Aysun Kocak, Kemal Cizmeciler, Aykut Erdem, and Erkut Erdem. Top down saliency estimation via superpixel-based discriminative dictionaries. Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference. BMVA Press, September 2014.


	title = {Top down saliency estimation via superpixel-based discriminative dictionaries},
	author = {Kocak, Aysun and Cizmeciler, Kemal and Erdem, Aykut and Erdem, Erkut},
	year = {2014},
	booktitle = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference},
	publisher = {BMVA Press},
	editors = {Valstar, Michel and French, Andrew and Pridmore, Tony}
	doi = { }