Title:Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors
Authors:Aly S. Abdelrahim, Mostafa A. Abdelrahman, Hossam Abdelmunim, Aly Farag, Mike Miller
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Abstract (PDF - 1 page, 369 Kbytes)
Citation:Aly S. Abdelrahim, Mostafa A. Abdelrahman, Hossam Abdelmunim, Aly Farag and Mike Miller. Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors. In Jesse Hoey, Stephen McKenna and Emanuele Trucco, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, pages 41.1-41.11. BMVA Press, September 2011. http://dx.doi.org/10.5244/C.25.41
      title = {Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors}
      author = {Aly S. Abdelrahim,  Mostafa A. Abdelrahman,  Hossam Abdelmunim,  Aly Farag and  Mike Miller}
      booktitle={Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference}
      publisher={BMVA Press}
      editors={Hoey, Jesse and McKenna, Stephen and Trucco, Emanuele}
      note = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5244/C.25.41}
      title = {Novel Image-Based 3D Reconstruction of the Human Jaw using Shape from Shading and Feature Descriptors}
      author = {Aly S. Abdelrahim,  Mostafa A. Abdelrahman,  Hossam Abdelmunim,  Aly Farag and  Mike Miller}
      booktitle={Proc. BMVC}
      note = {http://dx.doi.org/10.5244/C.25.41}