Title: Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 2011
Editors: Jesse Hoey, Stephen McKenna and Emanuele Trucco
Citation: Jesse Hoey, Stephen McKenna and Emanuele Trucco, Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference, BMVA Press, September 2011. doi:10.5244/C.25
      title = 	 {British Machine Vision Conference 2011},
      year = 	 {2011},
      booktitle = {Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference},
      editor = 	 {Hoey, Jesse and McKenna, Stephen and Trucco, Emanuele},
      publisher = {BMVC Press},
      note = {doi:10.5244/C.25}

Welcome to BMVC and to Dundee! This was the twenty-second in this series of annual meetings designed to provide a forum for discussion and dissemination of research progress in computer vision and image processing.

BMVC is a single-track conference with oral and poster presentations. Extended abstracts of all the accepted contributions appear in this book. The full papers are published electronically on the USB key provided to delegates, and on the web. This year we received 419 submitted papers. Each paper was reviewed by three reviewers, and then discussed by a group of three area chairs. The area chair groups then wrote a meta-review for each paper, and gave final recommendations to the chairs. Based on these reviews and recommendations, 35 papers were accepted for oral presentation and 97 for poster presentation. The field was extremely competitive this year, requiring many very good papers be excluded from the proceedings to keep the number of papers at an acceptable level.

We were very fortunate to have two excellent invited speakers in David Fleet from the University of Toronto, and Nikos Paragios from École Centrale de Paris. David spoke on ``Tracking and Understanding Human Motion'', whilst Nikos discussed ``Shape Grammars and Procedural Modeling towards Large Scale 3D Modeling and Reconstruction''. We are grateful to them for agreeing to talk at the conference. We are also grateful to Matthew Blaschko from the University of Oxford for giving a tutorial on August 29, the day before the main conference starts, on ``Structured Learning and Inference in Computer Vision''.

The BMVC Students' Workshop took place in the Queen Mother Building at the School of Computing, University of Dundee, on Friday 2nd September, the day after the main BMVC conference. This workshop has now become a regular feature of BMVC. It gives students in computer vision an opportunity to network and start collaborations at an early stage in their research career. The workshop was single track containing both oral and poster presentations. Two invited talks were given at the workshop by Patrick Ott from the University of Leeds and Brais Martinez from Imperial College London.

This is the fourth time BMVC has come to Scotland, and for the first time it was be held in Dundee, giving it the distinction of being the most northerly instance of the conference. We received over 75% of submissions from authors based outside the UK, showing that BMVC is a truly international event. Furthermore, we received over 65% of submissions with at least one student author.

Many thanks to all who helped in organising the event! In particular we are grateful to Anne Millar, Geri Sandilands, Mahamadou Niakate and Ann Kenny for administrative and technical assistance, and to the student and RA members of the Dundee Computer Vision and Image Processing group: Adrià Perez Rovira, Sebastian Stein, Roy Wang, Khai Sing Chin, Kris Zutis, and Rafig Almaghairbe. Thanks to Janet Hughes and the School of Computing for providing a venue for the workshop. Thanks to Tracy Duncan, and to the Dundee and Angus Convention Bureau for assistance in planning and preparation. As in previous years, the meeting was supported by the British Machine Vision Association (BMVA). This year the conference also received financial support from Microsoft Research, the Dundee City Council, the Dundee and Angus Convention Bureau and Springer. Finally, we are very grateful to the Programme Committee, Area Chairs, and, in particular, to all those who supported BMVC 2011 by submitting papers and attending the meeting.

Jesse Hoey, Stephen McKenna, Manuel Trucco, and Jianguo Zhang