We are delighted to welcome you to the 16th British Machine Vision Conference, and in particular, to Oxford Brookes University. The conference continues to grow from strength to strength, and this year we received 243 papers. The international standing of the conference continues to be reflected in the growing number of submissions from outside the UK, and in the international membership the program committee.
The task of reviewing was distributed over 86 reviewers (listed overleaf), each of whom reviewed up to 13 papers. The final selection took place at a meeting of the 34 Area Chairs on 16 June 2005 at the Engineering Science Department, University of Oxford. Of the 243 submitted papers, 42 were selected for oral presentation and 53 were selected for poster presentation.
We are honoured to have two very distinguished invited speakers, Professor William Freeman from the Massachusetts Institute of Technology, and Professor Michal Irani from the Weitzmann Institute, and to have as tutorial presenter Professor Chris Bishop from Microsoft Research, Cambridge. We are also delighted to thank Professor Sir Michael Brady from the University of Oxford, for accepting our invitation to be Guest of Honour. Mike organised the first British Machine Vision Conference in Oxford fifteen years ago, and we hope he is pleased that BMVC has acquired a life of its own and returned to Oxford this year.
We are grateful to organisations that sponsor prizes for the conference. Computer Recognition Systems (CRS) Ltd. is a long-standing supporter of the conference, and continue to sponsor the prize for the best industrial paper. The Imaging Faraday Partnership will sponsor the prize for the best demonstration. Prizes for the best Science paper and the best poster are sponsored by BMVA.
Our thanks also go to Hollie Noonan, Michelle Ryder, Paula Squires, and Sally Bourton, who have contributed to the organisation of the conference. Support for the online conference management system (CAWS) was provided by Mike Rogers at the University of Manchester. Finally we would like to thank the Chairs and organisers of past BMVCs, and in particular Timothy Ellis (BMVC04), who have collectively contributed to the folk knowledge that eases the burden on subsequent organisers.
We hope that you find the conference stimulating and informative, and that you enjoy your visit to Oxford.
William Clocksin, Andrew Fitzgibbon and Phillip Torr
Oxford, July 2005