It is with great pleasure that we welcome you to BMVC at the University of Manchester. It is an exciting time to be involved with Computer Vision research, and we hope that the conference will reflect this. You will be presented with a feast of new ideas, which should inspire you in your own work.
One hundred and fifteen papers were submitted to the conference from all over the world (BMVC is one of the most frequently cited national conferences, and draws considerable international attention). Each paper was considered by at least three expert reviewers, each of whom saw at least twenty papers. This is a time-consuming process, and we are grateful to the reviewers for all their work. The final selection process was based predominantly on the average rank assigned to each paper. At the review meeting 35 papers were accepted for oral presentation, and 37 for presentation as posters.
In addition to the submitted papers, we are pleased to have invited talks from two international experts, James S. Duncan from Yale and Pietro Perona from the California Institute of Technology.
We would like to thank CRS Ltd for sponsoringing the prize for the best industrial paper, Image-Metrics Ltd for the prize for the best paper on Model-Based Vision and the United Kingdom Industrial Vision Association (UKIVA) for the prize for the best computer vision demonstration.
Many people have helped in preparing and organising the conference.
Mike Rogers produced the conference administration web site and worked tirelessly to keep it running smoothly. Angela Castledine and Shelagh Stedman provided invaluable secretarial support. Christine Beeston dealt with publicity. Tony Lacey prepared the front end to the web-site. Gareth Jones prepared the proceedings and the CD-ROM. Patrick Courtney organised the Industrial exhibition. Brian Atherton helped sort out all the finances.
Also we would like to thank numerous other staff and students for their help behind the scenes, and Majid Mirmehdi (who co-organised BMVC2000) for his support and suggestions.
We hope that you enjoy the conference and come away brimming with ideas for the next one.
Tim Cootes and Chris Taylor
Manchester, July 2001