BMVC 2000 - Programme Committees
Programme Review Committee
- W. Addaway Computer Recognition Systems Ltd.
- R. Bowden Brunel University
- A.F. Clark University of Essex
- T.F. Cootes University of Manchester
- E.R. Davies Royal Holloway, University of London
- T.J. Ellis City University
- R.B. Fisher University of Edinburgh
- A. Fitzgibbon University of Oxford
- S. Fu Cranfield University
- J. Gilby Sira Technology Ltd.
- S.J. Maybank University of Reading
- M. Mirmehdi University of Bristol
- M.S. Nixon University of Southampton
- M. Petrou University of Surrey
- T. Pridmore University of Nottingham
- D. Pycock University of Birmingham
- I. Reid University of Oxford
- P. Siebert University of Glasgow
- C.J. Taylor University of Manchester
- C.C. Taylor University of Leeds
- B.T. Thomas University of Bristol
Local Organisation
- Conference Co-Chairs, Majid Mirmehdi and Barry Thomas
- Conference Secretary Ann Prowse