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K. Barnard. Computational Color Constancy: Taking Theory Into Practice. Master's thesis, Simon Fraser Univ., School of Computing Science, 1995.

K. Barnard, G.D. Finlayson, and B.V. Funt. Color constancy for scenes with varying illumination. Computer vision and image understanding , 65(2):311-321, 1997.

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G.D. Finlayson, B.V. Funt, and K. Barnard. Color constancy under varying illumination. In Proceedings of the fifth International Conference on Computer Vision , pages 720-725. IEEE Computer Society, June 1995.

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G.D. Finlayson, M.S. Drew, and B.V. Funt. Spectral Sharpening: Sensor Transformations for Improved Color Constancy. Journal of the Optical Society of America , A11(5):1,553-1,563, May 1994.

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Adrian F Clark
Thu Jul 10 22:05:37 BST 1997