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2 Shape from Shading

Central to shape-from-shading is the idea that local regions in an image E ( x , y ) correspond to illuminated patches of a piecewise continuous surface, z ( x , y ). The measured brightness E ( x , y ) will vary depending on the material properties of the surface (whether matte or specular), the orientation of the surface at the co-ordinates ( x , y ), and the direction of illumination.
The reflectance map , R ( p , q ) characterises these properties, and provides an explicit connection between the image and the surface orientation. The surface orientation is characterised by the components of the surface gradient in the x and y direction, i.e. and . The shape from shading problem is to recover the surface z ( x , y ) from the image E ( x , y ). As an intermediate step, we may attempt to recover a needle diagram, describing the orientations of surface patches which locally approximate z ( x , y ).

To simplify the problem, most research has concentrated on recovering ideal Lambertian surfaces illuminated by a single point source located at infinity [ 2 ]. A Lambertian surface has a matte appearance and reflects incident light uniformly in all directions. Hence, the light reflected by a surface patch in the direction of the viewer is simply proportional to the orientation of the patch relative to the light source direction. If is the local unit surface normal, and the global light source direction, then the reflectance function is given by .

The image irradiance equation [ 5 ] states that the measured brightness of the image is proportional to the radiance at the corresponding point on the surface, which is R ( p , q ). Normalising both image intensity and reflectance map, the constant of proportionality becomes unity, and the image irradiance equation is simply

This equation succinctly describes the mapping between the x , y co-ordinate space of the image and the the p , q gradient-space of the surface, but provides insufficient constraints for the unique recovery of the needle-map. Additional constraints, based on assumptions about the structure of the recovered surface, must be utilised. Invariably, it is smoothness of the needle-map that is assumed. Hence, the goal is to recover the smoothest surface satisfying the image irradiance equation. This is posed as a variational problem in which a global error-functional is minimised through the iterative adjustment of the needle map. Here we consider the formulation of Brooks and Horn [ 2 ] which is couched in terms of unit surface normals. The error functional is defined to be

The functional has three distinct terms. Firstly, the brightness error encourages data-closeness of the measured image intensity and the reflectance function. It is the only term which directly exploits shading information. The regularizing term imposes the smoothness constraint on the recovered surface normals; it penalises large local changes in surface orientation, measured by the magnitudes of the partial derivatives of the surface normals in the x and y directions. The final term imposes normalization constraints on the recovered normals. The constants and are Lagrangian multipliers.

The functional is minimized by applying variational calculus and solving the Euler equation:

To obtain a numerical scheme for recovering the needle-map we must discretise this variational equation to the pixel lattice by indexing the surface normals according to their co-ordinates ( i , j ) on the pixel-lattice. With this notation, the discrete numerical approximation to the Laplacian is

and is the spacing of pixel-sites on the lattice. Upon substitution, the Euler equation becomes

Rearranging this equation to isolate yields the following iterative scheme for updating the estimated normal at the surface point corresponding to image pixel ( i , j ), at epoch k +1, using the estimate at epoch k :

At first-sight, it appears necessary to solve for the Lagrangian multiplier, on a pixel-by-pixel basis. However, it is important to note that only enters the update equation as a multiplying factor which does not effect the direction of update, so we can replace this factor by a normalization step.

Next: 3 The Robust Regularizer Up: Needle Map Recovery Previous: 1 Introduction

Benoit Huet
Tue Jul 8 11:31:38 BST 1997