Up: Modelling Collective Animal Behaviour Previous: 6 Acknowledgements


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A. Lanitis, C.J. Taylor, and T.F. Cootes. An automatic face identification system using flexible appearance models. In Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference , pages 65-74, 1994.

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P.P. Smyth, C.J. Taylor, and J.E. Adams. Automatic measurement of vertebral shape using active shape models. In Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference , pages 705-714, 1996.

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A. Hill, A. Thornham, and C.J. Taylor. Model-based interpretation of 3D medical images. In Proceedings British Machine Vision Conference , volume 2, pages 339-349, 1993.

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N Sumpter
Fri Jul 11 12:40:40 BST 1997