Medical Images

Medical images are often complex, of poor visual quality and open to subjective interpretation. Machine vision can be used to help analyse images, such as radiographs and magnetic resonance (MR) scans, leading to more effective use of an expert's time.

Planning Radiation Therapy

When planning radiation therapy of brain tumours from MR scans of the head, it is necessary to apply to most effective dose of radiation to the tumour, yet cause least damage to the surrounding tissue. This is a complex task demanding 3D visualization. An interactive system is being developed to produce 3D representations of the head, by combining the information from a series of cross-sectional images. Segmentation techniques are used to semi-automatically identify the tumour and other anatomical structures. One approach is for the clinician to select a point within an area of interest, such as the tumour. The system then locates the surrounding points which possess similar characteristics, within a given range of variability. This is repeated for other regions, and other images, to produce a 3D model. Given this model, an optimal treatment plan can be generated.

Chromosome Analysis

Chromosone analysis (CA) for the diagnosis of genetic disorders is usually performed manually. The efficiency of the process can be greatly enhanced by interactive machine vision. An appropriate cell is identified using textural analysis of the microscopic images. The axes of symmetry of the chromosomes are found, chromosome length measured, and the constricted region (centromere) located from lateral profiles. The pattern of stain uptake is then measured and a characteristic profile obtained. The identity of the chromosome is determined so it can be placed in the appropriate position in an ordered array. Long chromosomes may form complex overlaps which can be resolved using geometric evidence. As the system is intereactive, misidentification or failure to identify chromosomes can be corrected by the user. This approach to CA has been shown to increase laboratory throughput by a factor of two, thus allowing more widespread use.

Merging Medical Images

Different types of medical image yield different information. For example, MR scans provide soft tissue information, yet nothing regarding bones. The converse is true of computed tomography (CT) scans. When planning surgery, information from both CT and MR scans may be needed. Machine vision techniques can be used to collate information from the different scans, thus producing a single 3D image showing the relationship between single 3D image showing the relationship between important features. This has been achieved, for example, by interactively labelling 12-16 matching features in the original images. Bone is identified in the CT scan by locating areas with grey levels above a certain threshold value. Identifying tissue structures in the MR scan requires more sophisticated segmentation techniques. This process is now being developed to use known anatomical relationships to automatically match 3D models derived from different medical images.