The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition 

Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1995

Front matter

Medical Computer Vision, Virtual Reality and Robotics: Promising Research Tracks Professor N Ayache

Automated 3D Registration of Truncated MR and CT Images of the Head. C Studholme, DLG Hill and DJ Hawkes

An Efficient 3D Deformable Model with a Self-Optimising Topology. AJ Bulpitt and ND Efford

Texture Analysis using Local Property Maps. PP Smyth, CJ Taylor and J Adams

Texture Anisotropy, Symmetry, Regularity: Recovering Structure and Orientation from Interaction Maps. D Chetverikov and RM Haralick

A Bayesian Approach to 3D Surface Fitting and Refinement. N Turner and ER Hancock

Scale Space Surface Recovery using Binocular Shading and Stereo Information. AG Jones and CJ Taylor

An Adaptive Eigenshape Model. A Baumberg and DC Hogg

Automated Pivot Location for the Cartesian-Polar Hybrid Point Distribution Model. T Heap and DC Hogg

Non-Linear Point Distribution Modelling using a Multi-Layer Perceptron. PD Sozou, TF Cootes, CJ Taylor and EC Di Mauro

Robust Statistical Model-Based Cell Image Interpretation. P Zhou and D Pycock

A Generic Deformable Model for Vehicle Recognition. JM Ferryman, AD Worrall, GD Sullivan and KD Baker

Pose and Structure Recovery using Active Models. AD Worrall, JM Ferryman, GD Sullivan and KD Baker

Flexible 3D Models from Uncalibrated Cameras. TF Cootes, EC Di Mauro, CJ Taylor and A Lanitis

Active Shape Models and the Shape Approximation Problem. A Hill, TF Cootes and C J Taylor

3-D Reconstruction and Camera Calibration from Images with Known Objects. G Socher, T Merz and S Posch

Recovery of Intrinsic and Extrinsic Camera Parameters using Perspective Views of Rectangles. TN Tan, GD Sullivan and KD Baker

Uncalibrated X-Ray Stereo Reconstruction. D Talmage, A Noble and A Zisserman

Active Contour Models for Shape Description using Multiscale Differential Invariants. JA Schnabel and SR Arridge

Contour Fitting using an Adaptive Spline Model. D Rueckert and P Burger

Ground Plane Obstacle Detection of Stereo Vision under Variable Camera Geometry Using Neural Nets. Y Shao, JEW Mayhew and SD Hippisley-Cox

Depth Sensing by Variable Baseline Triangulation. J Clark and AM Wallace

A Comparison of Four Algorithms for Estimating 3-D Rigid Transformations. A Larusso, DW Eggert and RB Fisher

A Neural Network for Egomotion Estimation from Optical Flow. A Branca, G Convertino, E Stella and A Distante

Equal-Distance Sampling of Supercllipse Models. M Pilu and RB Fisher

Affine Reconstruction from Lines. E Thirion, T Moons and L Van Gool

Searching for Grasping Opportunities on Unmodeled 3D Objects. M Rutishauser and M Strieker

3-D Interpretation of Imperfect Line Drawings. R Chung and K-L Leung

Automatic Interpretation of Outdoor Scenes. NW Campbell, WPJ Mackeown, BT Thomas and T Troscianko

Sub-pixel Reconstruction of a Variable Albedo Lambertian Surface. H Shekarforoush, M Berthod and J Zerubia

Surface Reflectance Model Estimation from Daylight Illuminated Image Sequences. R Love and ND Efford

Smart Feature Detection using an Invariance Network Architecture. A J Lacey, NA Thacker and NL Seed

Robust Model-Based Boundary Cue Generation for Cell Image Interpretation. P Zhou and D Pycock

Image Difference Threshold Strategies and Shadow Detection. PL Rosin and TJ Ellis

Convergence Properties of Curvature and Torsion Scale Space Representations. F Mokhtarian

Smart Cars and Smart Roads. Prof J Malik, J Weber, O-T Luong and D Koller

Tracking and Measuring Drivers Eyes. D Tock and I Craw

Iris Localisation for a Head-Mounted Eye Tracker. H Tunley and DS Young

Tracking and Recognising Hand Gestures using Statistical Shape Models. T Ahmad, CJ Taylor, A Lanitis and TF Cootes

Generating Spatiotemporal Models from Examples. A Baumberg and DC Hogg

Statistical Background Modelling for Tracking with a Virtual Camera. S Rowe and A Blake

Detection and Tracking of Independent Motion. JC Clarke and A Zisserman

Self-alignment of a Binocular Robot. ID Reid and PA Beardsley

The Active Camera as a Projective Pointing Device. AJ Davison, ID Reid and DW Murray

Multi-Sensor Multi-Target Tracking - Strategies for Events that become Invisible. D Hutber and Z Zhang

Structure, Pose and Motion of Bilateral Symmetric Objects. TN Tan

Implementation of Oriented Filters for Arc Detection. Y Wen and JP Oakley

Convex Hulls, Occluding Contours, Aspect Graphs and the Hough Transform. M Wright, AW Fitzgibbon and RB Fisher

Robust Recognition of Scaled Shapes using Pairwise Geometric Histograms. AP Ashbrook, NA Thacker, PI Rockett and CI Brown

A Buyer’s Guide to Conic Fitting. AW Fitzgibbon and RB Fisher

Using Light Polarization in Laser Scanning. J Clark, E Trucco and H-F Cheung

Statistical Grey-Level Models for Object Location and Identification. TF Cootes, GJ Page, CB Jackson and CJ Taylor

Segmentation and Recognition of Printed Arabic Characters. BMF Bushofa and M Spann

Robust Tracking of Circular Features. XD Pan, TJ Ellis and TA Clarke

The Propagated Instruction Processor. TJ Fountain and CD Tomlinson

Robust Computation of Optical Flow. E-P Ong and M Spann

Learning the Distribution of Object Trajectories for Event Recognition. N Johnson and DC Hogg

Multiresolution Motion Estimation/Segmentation Incorporating Feature Correspondence and Optical Flow. PD James and M Spann

Modelling Compatibility Coefficient Distributions for Probabilistic Feature-Labelling Schemes. WJ Christmas, J Kittler and M Petrou

Probabilistic Relaxation as an Optimizer. AJ Stoddart, M Petrou and J Kittler

Multi-Variate Cross-Correlation and Image Matching. RB Fisher and P Oliver

Optimal Grouping of Line Segments into Convex Sets. B Parvin and S Viswanathan

Extending Semantic Edge Labelling. G Zhang and AM Wallace

Robust Matching by Partial Correlation. Z-D Lan, R Mohr and P Remagnino

Recognition and Location by Parallel Pose Clustering. WJ Austin and AM Wallace

Prototyping Parallel Algorithms using Standard ML. NR Scaife, GJ Michaelson and AM Wallace

An Interactive CAD-Based Vision System. B M-Rouhani, A.D. Worrall and J.A.D.W. Anderson

Medical Image Registration Incorporating Deformations. PJ Edwards, DLG Hill, JA Little, VAS Sahni and DJ Hawkes

Towards an Automatic Human Face Localizations System. KC Yow and R Cipolla

Sign Language Recognition: an Application of the Theory of Size Functions. C Uras and A Verri

Author index