The British Machine Vision Association and Society for Pattern Recognition 

Proceedings of the British Machine Vision Conference 1990


Front matter

Invited Papers

Technology innovations and product design issues in machine vision: The Technical Arts Corporation experience S White

On the computational neurobiology of curve detection S W Zucker, A Dobbins and L Iverson

Session II: Model-based Vision 1

Transformational invariance - a primer D A Forsyth, J L Mundy and A Zisserman

Relative motion and pose from invariants A Zisserman, C Marinos, D A Forsyth, J L Mundy and C A Rothwcll

Feature grouping in a hierarchical probabilistic network W Dickson

Session III: Stereo Metrology

Epipolar geometry for trinocular active range-sensors A Blake, D McCowen, H R Lo and D Konash

Optimal combination of stereo camera calibration from arbitrary stereo images N A Thacker, JEW Mayhew

Recovering partial 3D wire frame descriptions from stereo data S B Pollard, J Porrill and JEW Mayhew

Curve matching and stereo calibration J Porrill and S B Pollard

Session IV: Feature Extraction 1

Robust estimation of shape parameters G A Jones, J Princen, J Illingworth and J KMler

Active intelligent vision using the dynamic generalized Hough Transform V F Leavers

A probabilistic approach to the Hough Transform R S Stephens

Shape verification using belief updating C J Taylor and D H Cooper

Session VI: Motion 1

Resolution of the Bas-relief ambiguity in structure-from-motion under orthographic projection C Harris

RAPID - a video rate object tracker C Harris and C Stennett

Kalman filtering of pose estimates in applications of the RAPID video rate tracker R Evans

Determining motion from 3D line segment matches: a comparative study

Session VII: Feature Extraction 2

Optimal probabilistic relaxation labeling I Poole

Construction of a scale-space primal sketch T Lindeberg and J Eklundh

Feature grouping by ‘relocalisation’ of eigenvectors of the proximity matrix G L Scott and H C Longuet-Higgins

Session VIII: Motion 2

Computation of discontinous optical flow by domain decomposition and shape optimization C Schnorr

Towards qualitative vision: motion parallax A Blake, R Cipolla and A Zisserman

Using a combined stereo/temporal matcher to determine ego-motion N A Thacker, Y Zheng and R Blackbourn

Integration of stereo and motion E Sparks and M Stephens

Session IX: Medical Image Understanding

A model-based approach to the reconstruction of three dimensional arteries from biplane angiograms S T Rake, K D Baker and G D Sullivan

Edge-region integration for segmentation of MR images G J Brelstaff, M C Ibison and P J Elliott

Model-based interpretation of anatomical structures in cranial MR images C I Attwood, G D Sullivan, G P Robinson, K D Baker and A C F Colchester

The use of the grey level SAT to find the salient cavities in echocardiograms

Session XI: Applications and Hardware

Automatic inspection of surface mount solder joints using X-ray images E Griffiths and R Jordan

A distributed blackboard system for vision applications M D Brown and R B Fisher

A multiprocessor 3D vision system for pick and place M Rygol, S B Pollard and C Brown

A fast algorithm for computing optic flow and its implementation on a Transputer array H Wang, J M Brady and I Page

Session XII: Shape from X and Surface Reconstruction

Shape from texture:textural invariance and the problem of scale in perspective images of textured surfaces J V Stone

Calculating the surface topography of integrated circuit wafers from SEM images T P Ellison and C J Taylor

Integrating stereo and photometric stereo to monitor the development of glaucoma S Lee and J M Brady

Stereoscopic recovery and description of smooth textured surfaces P F Mclauchlan, JEW Mayhem and J P Frisby

Reconstruction of visual appearance P R J North

Session XIII: Model-based Vision 2

3-D object recognition and orientation from both noisy and occluded 2-D data D P Illing, P T Fairney and R J Wiltshire

Model based 3D grouping by using 2D cues 5 Zhang, L Du, G D Sullivan and K D Baker

3-D cues from a single view: detection of elliptical arcs and model-based perspective backprojection S Masciangelo

Using geometrical rules and a priori knowledge for the understanding of indoor scenes C Coelho, M Straforini and M Campani

Session XIV: Segmentation

Texture segmentation for defining driveable regions A Grunes and J F Sherlock

Extracting second-order topograhic surface features from range data R B Fisher

Segmentation of planar curves using local and global behaviour analysis L-D Cai , J Porrill , S B Pollard , J E W Mayhew and J P Frisby

Sessions V and X: POSTERS

Combining cues for mammographic abnormalities S M Astley and C J Taylor

Prediction of stereo disparity using optical flow P A Beardsley, J M Brady and D W Murray

Model based segmentation of radiological images of the cranium M G Cawley and K Natarajan

An empirical study on the effects of spatial discretization error in a stereo vision system K L Chan and A K Forrest

An uncalibrated stereo visual servo system A Conkie and P Chongstitvatana

Depth extraction by focal/aperture variation S R Daniel

An analysis of hole detection schemes E R Davits and S P Barker

An intelligent visual task system for lateral skull X-ray images D N Davits and C J Taylor

Classifying symmetry sets M M Fleck

On recognition of features in polyhedral scenes P Grossmann

Simultaneous region and edge segmentation of infrared images using non-maximal suppression for edge thinning J F Haddon and J F Boyce

Evaluation of a real-time kinetic depth system G M Hayts and R B Fisher

Symbolic image matching by simulated annealing L Herault, R Horaud, F Veillon and J Niez

Parabolic and hermite cubic finite elements: a flexible technique for deformable models P Karaolani, G D Sullivan and K D Baker

Digital or analog Hough Transform? N Kiryati, M Lindenbaum and A M Brucksiein

Robust grouping of intensity changes in outdoor scenes by a histogram and graph based method A Korn

The computation of deformation and rotation in stereopsis K Langley, B J Rogers and J M Brady

Filter based estimates of depth S J Maybank

A test of camera noise models A M Mclvor

A head called Richard P Mowforth, P Siebert, Z P Jin and C Urquhart

Integrating visual search with visual memory in a knowledge directed image interpretation system T P Pridmort and S H Joseph

Interpreting trihedral vertices by using assumptions about the angles between the edges G Probert and R Cowie

Perceptual grouping of circular arcs under projection P L Rosin and G A W West

A parallel path planning algorithm for mobile robots C Shu and H Buxton

Robust ego-motion estimation D A Sinclair, A Blake and D W Murray

Active contours in medical image processing using a networked SIMD array processor G D Sullivan, A D Worrall, R W Hockney and K D Baker

A knowledge based system for measuring faces D Tock, I Craw and R Lishman

An application of active contour models to head boundary location J B Waite and W J Welsh

Fast object recognition using a hybrid optical/digital processor D J F Walker and C R Chatwin

Segmentation coding using edge detection and region merging Y Yu

Author index